Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Submersible Aircraft Carrier

Submersible Aircraft Carrier

Submersible Aircraft Carrier - If submarines possessed the high vision and quick speed of aircraft, they could dramatically extend their reach. If aircraft took off and landed from underwater platforms, their staging and strikes would be stealthier and more secure.

In late August 1945, about two weeks after the end of hostilities, a United States Navy destroyer intercepted the unfamiliar Japanese submarines as they made for their home port. Even the US sailors sidled alongside, they were amazed by the size of the behemoths.

Submersible Aircraft Carrier

Uncovering The I-400 Class Japanese Submarine Aircraft Carriers Of Ww2

They were much more massive than any built before them, four hundred feet in length and three times larger than typical submarines. To minimize detection risk while the Cormorant launched, the sub would release the drone underwater then sail away.

Stealthy Subsea Seabird

Compressed gas would then drive the plane to the surface where its rocket motors would fire and loft it into the sky. The battle drove a wedge of suspicion between the submariners and their new commanders, but the giant sub worked in uneasy cooperation with the Allies in the early years of the war.

Its true potential was never realized, however, due to a collision with an American freighter in 1942 which sank the Surcouf with all hands lost. Due to the precarious nature of the French crew's allegiance, many suspected that the sinking was deliberate, although no evidence was ever found to support this theory.

Isn't it strange how it is terrible what we as Americans say and do to the rest of the world but somehow it's OK for so many to hate the ugly Americans (but not their money!)????

Hoekstes said: "If a tomahawk missile is a plane, then you might argue that a V2 ballistic missile is a plane as well. Germany fired those from trucks, so they couldn't have been too far away from firing them from U-boats as well.

Stealthy Subsea Seabird

In Boris Chertok's four volume history of the Soviet space program (Rockets and People) he talks about the plundering of German technology and the revelation he got from it. They contributed little or nothing to the war effort.

Submarine Aircraft Carrier - Wikipedia

All the resources the secret weapons required to develop were a tremendous drain on the system and produced little of value in return. Alternatively, AN-1 submarines could sit off the coasts of Asia and Europe and form America's first line of fighter defense against nuclear-armed intercontinental bombers, intercepting them far from the continental United States.

The uncertainty about where the aircraft carriers would pop up would have sown doubt in the enemy's mind that a surprise nuclear attack against the U.S. was feasible. Unknown to many, the U.S. The Navy has already tested flying a small recon drone called the Sea Robin, which took off from a submarine's torpedo tube in 2013. In 2016, the Navy announced it was working to send "stealthy spy drones" called Blackwings into the air from tubes on the

sub. So, submarine-launched drones are more than just a fanciful concept. Awesome article. Never heard of this, although I had heard of plans to tow V-2 rockets by U-boat to the East Coast of the U.S.

(ChickenHead brings up some interesting points on why this would not have worked). I know the Japanese planned to send high-altitude balloons, with payloads of fleas infested with plague to infect humans and cattle, across the Pacific to attack the U.S.

For the full story, read the books A Plague Upon Humanity and Body Snatchers in the Desert. The other big idea with sub-carriers is using drones to help torpedoes find their target. These types of unmanned craft launch out of the sub's tube that usually deploys sound decoys.

These drones are small enough to burst out of the three-inch tube. They can fly with day or night video cameras to relay targeting data on enemy ships back to the sub-carrier. This model is called Advanced Weapons Enhanced by Submarine UAS against Mobile targets – AWESUM for short.

AH-HA! that would make sense. only a stupid narrow-minded insolent canuck would take that ribbing seriously. come on canadians, get off it already! we love you guys. you are like our little brother. always whining about how you are mistreated by the older siblings, glad to have us protecting you from the bullies on the block.

Underwater Aircraft Carriers: The Us Navy's Future (And China's Nighmare?)  - 19Fortyfive

but you can't wait to grow-up and be just like us. let's see, twice our land mass yet 90% live within 200 miles of the U.S. border. and the entire population is less than that of the bankrupt state of California!!!

I married a Canuck. she moved here, swim with me. says something about the place Eh? But the emperor's broadcast surrender decree in August 1945 stopped the five giant subs of SubRonOne from attacking the huge U.S.

Navy anchorage at Ulithi Atoll. The Americans seized the Sen-Tokus, studied them and subsequently sank them to prevent the Soviets from discovering their secrets. Tucked away in the patent application for the drone is a hint of an unexpected side capability.

A drawing shows a Cormorant launching from a small surface ship, thus making any vessel a potential drone seaplane tender. Actually they had smaller rockets that launched from a gantry carried on the back of a U-boat.

Then there was a towable unit that carried a full-size V2 rocket that was successfully launched. Four units were under construction for an attack on New York when the war ended. On 09 September 1942, at about 6:00am Pacific War Time, a lookout on the US Oregon coast spotted a single incoming aircraft.

The small, unmarked plane sputtered and popped as it flew through the dawn mist. It slowly made its way over a heavily wooded area outside of Brookings, Oregon which was known to be particularly prone to forest fires, and its pilot Nobuo Fujita dropped a pair of 170 lb incendiary bombs from a low altitude.

Soon a column of smoke became visible from the forest as the strange plane turned around, its distinct engine noise fading back towards the ocean. But combining the two epoch-making weapons has proved difficult. Only one country really pulled it off—and too late to win a war.

A Submersible Aircraft Carrier: An Idea Whose Time Has Come? | The National  Interest

But the tremendous potential of the aircraft-sub combo may make an historic comeback thanks to drones and Special Operations Forces. For a time U.S. scientists experimented with bats which had tiny incendiary devices strapped to them.

These bats were intended to be released from low flying bombers over Tokyo where they would seek shelter in wooden buildings and set them on fire. The plan was scrapped when some of the bats escaped during a test and set fire to a couple of nearby barns.

Anyway a story appeared in our local paper about their former chief. Apparently he spotted the remains of a weather balloon hanging in a tree; using his vast experience in such devices the man immediately determined it to be some sort of bomb, perhaps an incendiary device.

Being bullheaded the dude called the sheriff's bomb squad despite being told by several people the thing was harmless. The man promptly received a demotion for all his trouble. What a way to destroy such a damn interesting® article, I realize completely that everyone is entitled to an opinion, but I can see why a system like the commenting system could work well, if done properly.

I know this is kind of off-topic, but this talk of attacks on the North American continent got me thinking.–Didn't the Germans have plans for a really big, supersonic bomber with a range that would have made reaching New York (

and possibly returning?) possible. The Russians would have built a cake that was at least 100x larger, made of potatoes, with beets instead of incendiary devices. They would have dropped it on themselves by accident and interned everyone with 100 miles who saw it happen.

My grandfather said the cat food of the day was made by real men and smelled/tasted much better. Ah, the good ole days.” NORFOLK (Aug. 16, 2019) The Nimitz-class aircraft carriers USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69), left, and USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74) moored at Naval station Norfolk.

Mustard — Underwater Aircraft Carriers: Imperial Japan's Secret Weapon |  Nebula

Making port at Naval station Norfolk is a routine activity for aircraft carriers. A Soviet designer came up with a submersible airplane. Although never built and full of technical loose-ends, U.L. Ushakov's 1934 design featured a thick, manta-ray-style wing and narrow fish-like body, complete with a conning tower.

Ushakov did not specify how he would seal the three radial engines against saltwater. 19FortyFive's Robert Farley was interviewed by Popular Mechanics' Kyle Mizokami in 2019. Farley believes the sub-carrier concept has some merit and is worth exploring further.

"A submarine platform for launching drones would stand a better chance of surviving in hostile, anti-access environments," Farley said. "While an aircraft carrier can take advantage of its speed and mobility to avoid missile attacks, it can't match the stealth of even a large submarine."

Now serving as 1945s New Defense and National Security Editor, Brent M. Eastwood, PhD, is the author of Humans, Machines, and Data: Future Trends in Warfare. He is an Emerging Threats expert and former U.S. Army Infantry officer.

It seems like missile subs are the natural development of this concept. Launching the planes isn't a problem, you just find a deserted area of ​​the sea, surface and warm up the catapults. As long as you're not in radar range then no one will be any the wiser.

Shortly after getting underway, however, the Sen Toku and their attendant submarines were ordered to return in order to deflect an imminent Allied invasion of the Japanese homeland. The fleet turned back and steamed for the Allied base at Ulithi Atoll, but as they approached their target the crews received orders to catapult their planes into the sea and fire their torpedoes without arming them.

Japan had surrendered in the wake of a pair of atomic attacks. The war was over. Captain Ariizumi, the commander of the submarine fleet, chose suicide over the shame of surrendering to the Americans. To minimize detection risk while the Cormorant launched, the sub would release the drone underwater then sail away.

Mustard — Underwater Aircraft Carriers: Imperial Japan's Secret Weapon |  Nebula

Compressed gas would then drive the plane to the surface where its rocket motors would fire and loft it into the sky. Following the expensive failures of the M2 and the Surcouf, the United States and Italy abandoned their plans to construct similar vessels.

But the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) managed to quietly master the art, and during the war the majority of their sub fleet included integrated aircraft hangars. Most of them⁠— including the I-25 which launched the attack in Oregon⁠— were single-plane hangars similar to the English and French efforts before them.

But throughout the war the IJN significantly improved upon the submersible aircraft carrier concept. The overwhelming firepower of nuclear weapons against naval forces, .css-3wjtm9{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.125rem;text-decoration-color:#1c6a65;text- underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-3wjtm9:hover{color:#595959;text -decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}demonstrated at Bikini Atoll in 1946, prompted the Navy to consider alternative basing schemes for aircraft.

One possibility was making jet fighters amphibious, able to take off directly from the sea, a concept that resulted in the failed Convair XF2Y Sea Dart. Another, bolder idea: placing aircraft carriers underwater. The machine supposedly would have flown out to sea, landed on its pontoons like a normal seaplane then flooded spaces within its wings and hull to sink.

Approaching its target under electrical power while submerged, the flying sub could observe using its periscope or fire its two torpedoes. Sub-Carrier: An idea whose time has come? The idea of ​​taking the classic aircraft carrier and submarine and doing new and unique things with them has been floated for many years now.

So why not take the idea of ​​somehow merging an aircraft carrier and submarine into one unit in some way? Aircraft carriers are flat-top floating airports and submarines lurk beneath the surface and launch torpedoes, ballistic missiles, and cruise missiles.

It's been that way for decades. But did you know it is plausible that a submarine could have a flat-top and send combat drones into the air? The "sub-carrier" would launch its aircraft and then head for the depths.

Quite a departure for undersea warfare, to be sure. But this idea could have legs someday as the Navy examines different ideas for unmanned aviation on the high seas. The current Tomahawk is far more closely related to aircraft than missiles.

It has a turbofan engine. It has surveillance capabilities. It can loiter over the battlefield and, thanks to said real-time surveillance, can be directed to attack multiple targets or the same target again if the first strike is deemed a miss.

But the emperor's broadcast surrender decree in August 1945 stopped the five giant subs of SubRonOne from attacking the huge U.S. Navy anchorage at Ulithi Atoll. The Americans seized the Sen-Tokus, studied them and subsequently sank them to prevent the Soviets from discovering their secrets.

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Strela Anti Aircraft Missiles

Strela Anti Aircraft Missiles

Strela Anti-Aircraft Missiles - Igla-1 and Igla are further development of the Strela-3. Both of these have better range and seeker sensitivity. The Igla-1 is a simplified early production version, adopted in 1981. It has a maximum range of 5 000

m and could reach targets at a maximum altitude of 2 500 m. The Igla is a standard production version, that was adopted in 1983. Operation of The Strela-3 is similar to other MANPAD systems such as the Red Eye

Strela Anti-Aircraft Missiles

Kalashnikov Fulfils State Defense Order For The Supply Of Anti-Aircraft  Guided Missiles To The Russian

or Stinger. The missile is inserted into the launcher prior to launch. The launcher can be Reloaded up to 5 times. After that it is disposed. Strela-10M3, is a further development of the system. It can additionally engage

Turkish Families Shelter On A Train After Earthquake Brought Life To A Standstill

UAVs and cruise missiles. Missile has improved resistance to enemy countermeasures. Warhead contains 5 kg of explosive material instead of 3 kg. It is more efficient against small-size air targets, such as UAVs. These missiles weight 42 kg.

These can be used by all others versions of the Strela-10. The Strela-10M3 entered service with the Soviet Army in 1989. Minimum Launch time from carrying position to launch is 12 seconds. Once the Launcher is on the shoulder, covers are removed and sights are

extended, time to launch is reduced to 6-8 seconds. It takes around 25 seconds to reload launcher with new missile. FILE PHOTO: A Strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system of the Ukrainian Armed Forces fires during anti-aircraft military drills in Volyn Region, Ukraine, in this handout picture released January 26, 2022. Press Service of the Ukrainian Ground Forces...

Kalashnikov Successfully Finished Testing Of Guided Surface-To-Air Missile  For Strela-10M - Militaryleak

more The Strela-10 (Arrow-10) was a short-range air defense missile system developed as a successor to the previous Strela-1. Production commenced in 1973. It entered service with the Soviet Army in 1976. The baseline version is referred to as Strela-10SV.

Its reporting name in the West is SA-13 or Gopher. It has been widely exported to Soviet allies, including Angola, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, India, Jordan, Libya, North Korea, Poland, Syria, Serbia, Slovakia, Yemen, and some others countries.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union these air defenses systems were passed on to successor states. As of 2012 Russia operates over 400 of Strela-10 systems. Other operators are Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine.

The Strela-10 can engage enemy aircraft and helicopters at a range of up to 5 000 m. Minimum range is 800 m. Missiles can reach their targets at altitudes from 25 m to up to 3 500 m.

There is a 10-50% possibility to hit fighter aircraft with a single missile. Reaction time of the system is about 6.5 seconds. In the Soviet Army the Strela-3 was used by separate 3-man teams. Each team

9K38 Eagle - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia

member had his launcher and 2 spare missiles. This missile can be launched from a hatch of an armored vehicle, moving at a speed of up to 20 km/h. It is worth noting that in the Soviet armed forces most

armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles carried these shoulder-launched missiles inside the hull. Strela-10M2 was a further development of the Strela-10M. It can receive target data from air defense command posts or nearby radars. There is a

30-60% possibility to hit fighter aircraft with a single missile. Vehicle is fitted with floatation buoys on either side of the hull. It is fully amphibious and can cross rivers and lakes. On water it is

propelled by its tracks. Amphibious speed on water is 5-6 km/h. It Entered service with the Soviet Army in 1981. The Strela-3 uses an 9M36 fire-and-forget type missile. This missile had a new one and significantly more sensitive infrared seeker than the previous one

Strela-2M. The seeker was designed to see infrared energy and guide itself on very hot surfaces, such as aircraft's heat signature, and particularly inside of a jet engine. The new seeker of the Strela-3 was no longer sensitive to background interference, including rain,

Development] 9A35m2 - It's Time To Master Missiles! - News - War Thunder

snow, fog, dust, sun, clouds and horizon. It allowed the missile to be fired against targets from much wider angles. Furthermore the new seeker could overcome some countermeasures, such as exhaust shrouds and typical flares. Later

an improved 9M36-1 missile was introduced. Reuters, the news and media division of Thomson Reuters, is the world's largest multimedia news provider, reaching billions of people worldwide every day. Reuters provides business, financial, national and international news to professionals via desktop terminals, the world's media organizations, industry events and directly to consumers.

Turkish authorities have been racing to find accommodation for the more than 1.5 million people left homeless after February's huge earthquakes. Survivors have been sheltering in tents, container homes, hotel resorts and even train carriages in Iskenderun, a port city in the province of Hatay, badly hit by the earthquakes.

The warhead of the Strela-3 was much larger than its predecessors. The missile explodes on contact. If it misses, the missile self-destructs. The Strela-3 missile was also fitted with a new rocket motor. Maximum interception range increased to 4.5 km.

The missile can reach air targets up to an altitude of 3 km. Missile of the Strela-10 was improved comparing with the Strela-1M. It can Engage faster air targets at longer range and higher altitude. Missile is 2.19 m long.

Zhukovsky, Russia - Aug 29, 2013: Anti-Aircraft Guided Missile 9M333  (9M37m) From Structure Highly Mobile, Visually

It is slightly longer, comparing with the Strela-1M missile, but has the same diameter and wing span. It weight 40 kg. High-explosive fragmentation warhead contains 3 kg of Explosive material. Missile has both optical (photo contrast) and

infrared guidance. The Strela-10 is based on a Strela-1 (SA-9 Gaskin) it was designed to replace. It is based on a different chassis. The Strela-1 was based on a BRDM-2 armored scout car chassis, while the Strela-10 uses chassis of the

MT-LB multi-purpose armored vehicle. The MT-LB can carry more payload. It allowed the vehicle to carry eight missiles instead of four. Four of These missiles are ready to use. Overall the Strela-10 is a more capable air defense system.

The Strela-10 is based on MT-LB multi-purpose armored vehicle. It is powered by a YaMZ-238V turbocharged diesel engine, developing 240 hp. Armor of this air defense system provides the crew protection against small arms fire and artillery shell splinters.

There is a 7.62-mm machine gun for self-defense. Strela-10M, improved air defense missile system. It entered service with the Soviet Army in 1979. Its missile has improved guidance system with some sort of discrimination capabilities. It

Russia Forces In Ukraine Use Sa-13 Strela 10 Air Defense Missile To Destroy  Ukrainian Furia Drone - Youtube

distinguishes targets from infrared decoys. Therefore it is more effective. In 1988 Angolan Strela-10 shot down South African Mirage F-1. In 1991, during the Operation Desert Storm, two American A-10 Thunderbolt II ground-attack aircraft were lost one later

another to Iraqi Strela-10 fire. In 2014 during ongoing military conflict in Ukraine, Ukrainian An-30 reconnaissance aircraft was lost to Strela-10 fire. Russian Strela-10 systems were widely used during the 2022 invasion to Ukraine, however during this particular

conflict has not distinguished itself. It seems that this air Defense system is showing its age. "We are heavily searching now what we can afford to give away, and somebody found them, I was also surprised I didn't even know that we have those Strela weapons still in our compartment," said Alexander Müller of the Free Democrats.

HN-5B is a Chinese clone, based on the Strela-3. Chinese obtained Soviet Strela-3 missiles captured from Angolan governmental forces. The HN-5B MANPADS has been adopted by the Chinese armed forces in the mid 1980s. However it was first publicly revealed only in 1990. The

HN-5B has been exported to Pakistan, and, possibly, some others countries. The Strela-3 (Arrow-3) is a Man-Portable Air Defense System (MANPADS), developed in the Soviet Union. Its reporting name in the West is SA-14 Gremlin. It succeeded the elder

Strela-2M, which was a Soviet clone of the US FIM-43 Red Eye. Development of the Strela-3 began in 1968. Prototypes were ready and testing began in 1972. The Strela-3 was adopted in 1974. It was widely

used by the Soviet armed forces. This MANPADS has been exported to Warsaw Pact countries, Soviet allies and countries, where Soviet influence has spread. It was license-produced in Poland. It seems that the Strela-3 is no longer used by the Russian Army.

However it is still used by a number of countries around the world.

Super Constellation Aircraft

Super Constellation Aircraft

Super Constellation Aircraft - There it was expected to run a twice-weekly fresh tuna airlift service to Nagoya, Japan. However, this was not to be. The cargo capacity proved to be inadequate, a problem compounded by the non-availability of the right type of fuel at the Nagoya airport.

The military liked the design so much that they took over the production of the plane in 1942 and used it for transporting troops and supplies from the United States to Europe. Now designated as the C-69, Hughes publicized TWA's new airliner by flying from California to Washington DC in a transcontinental record-breaking six hours and 57 minutes.

Super Constellation Aircraft

Lockheed Constellation (1943-1958) Speed Drawing | Constellations, Lockheed,  Drawings

During the flight, the Constellation's average speed was 331 mph. When the war ended, TWA bought as many C-69s as it could from the government, putting the plane into commercial service in February 1946. Although President Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first president to fly while in office in 1945 on the C-54 "Sacred Cow," President Dwight D. Eisenhower was the first president to fly on an aircraft using the Air Force One call sign.

During Wwii All Constellations Built Went To The Military

This aircraft was the VC-121A “Columbine II.” Besides being the last long-haul piston-engined airliner to dominate the skies before the advent of the jet era of travel, the Lockheed Super Constellation has a special place in the history of Australia's flag carrier airline, Qantas, and, by extension, of

Australian aviation. The first official flight test for a Constellation, sheathed in olive green paint and redesignated C-69, came early the next year. It was a plane equally beautiful in form as well as function. First flight went so well that five more flights were performed the first day.

Hughes went about publicizing the Constellation the best way he knew how: by breaking a transcontinental speed record on a Burbank to Washington, D.C., flight in April 1944. The Connie averaged 331 mph, flying nonstop in six hours, 57 minutes, and 51 seconds

on this flight. After setting the record, that aircraft was returned to the military and during service testing at Wright Field, Ohio, Orville Wright, who had made the first powered flight, made his last flight, serving as copilot on a test run.

The Customer Wanted A Plane That Could Fly Non-Stop Across The Usa

The 1049G "Super G" was the most successful version of the Super Constellations and one of the last great piston-engine airliners. For long range operations, the Super G could be fitted with extra wingtip tanks, increasing the fuel capacity by two-thirds more than the original Connie models.

The first flight of the G-model Constellation was on December 7, 1954, and it was introduced to commercial service by Northwest Airlines on July 1, 1955. The Super G was a popular choice among the airlines, with 42 being flown by domestic carriers

Lockheed L-1049F Super Constellation Engine Startup A Lot Of Smoke And Fire  - Youtube

and 59 by foreign airlines. However, soon after the plane's introduction, it became clear that jet airliners were the future. President Eisenhower was a big fan of the Connie, and his personal presidential plane, the only VC-121E built, was the first to bear the now-recognized moniker "Air Force One" when the president was onboard.

All told, the U.S. military bought nearly 40 percent of all the Constellations ever manufactured, using them over nearly three decades, with aircraft serving well into the 1970s. The military adapted the plane for its further use in the 1950s and 60s by modifying it for radar and using it as an aerial extension of the Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line, and in aiding in the rescue of downed aircraft in Southeast Asia.

The Lockheed L- Super Constellation

In addition, the Military Air Transport Service (MATS) used a fleet of 70 C-121s from 1948 to 1967. Flew Connies as Flight Engineer at Flying Tigers 1965-67. Remember feeding popcorn to a baby elephant on his way to a new home.

Listening to a full grown Bengal Tiger howling behind that canvas fire curtain. The elephant took one look at the Newark ramp and threw up. Such was life in the air cargo business. Journalist - Mark is an experienced travel journalist having published work in the industry for more than seven years.

His enthusiasm for aviation news and wealth of experience lends itself to some excellent insight, with his work cited in Forbes among other publications. Based in Alicante, Spain. They left the Super Connie ready for Quick Strip Dustless Blasting Services, a specialized team from Cairns that would strip and repaint the aircraft by sections.

To do this, they built a structure to enclose the disassembled aircraft. There was a bar in the rear of the plane as you entered the fuselage door from the main staircase with a small parquet dance floor in front of it.

Some of the seats were reversed with tables placed between them to seat four together. The windows had aerial views of famous landmarks that were backlit with fluorescent lighting for night viewing. Dinners were typically brought up from the kitchen in the main restaurant below, but there was a small steam table in the front of the plane from which we could serve prepared foods like Prime Rib and vegetables.

Over the coming years, the plane that Lockheed called the "Constellation," or "Connie" for short, would dominate global travel for decades. The Constellation would become the epitome of grace in a propeller-powered plane featuring a distinctive triple tail and a dolphin-like fuselage.

The Historic Passenger Aircraft Lockheed Super Constellation L-1049

Flown by airlines worldwide and the United States military, the Constellation was a revolutionary passenger and cargo aircraft. In the years to come, the plane would be named the Constellation—Connie for short—and be flown by airlines around the world, as well as the U.S.

military over the ensuing three decades. Eventually, it would be remembered as an enduring symbol, the epitome of grace in propeller-driven aircraft. But at that moment in 1939 in Los Angeles, the Lockheed Corporation was focused on winning over one customer and one customer only.

His name was Howard Hughes. Thank you for restoring this great airplane! I joined the NJANG in 1966 and was a dock mechanic on these airplanes. I wanted to fly, so was given an opportunity to be an Engineer on the 121, however, during my training we were assigned C-141s, which were never received,, then we were assigned C-7s, which I believe you also still

have one there. Finally about 1980 assigned KC-135A, which were converted to KC135E and finally, KC-135R, after my time. In 1996, Amoco Corporation purchased a lot in Penndel, Pennsylvania, which contained a restaurant topped by a Lockheed C-121 Constellation aircraft.

Realizing the historical significance of the plane, Amoco offered the plane to the Air Mobility Command Museum. It was transported to the museum in December of 1997 and is now completely restored. (I was a young mother of a toddler son, so the AF assigned a young airman to help me. It was my first “grand adventure” and my son adored his cheerful new friend. An officer gave me a lei in Hawaii & the pilot

allowed me to visit the cockpit after dark. A crew member let me wedge in between the garbage collector & window with my movie camera to film our landing on Kwajalein Island!) By 1951, the much-beloved Model 1049 Super Constellation was unveiled, boasting unheard-of refinements, such as air conditioning, reclining seats, and extra lavatories.

It was a plane ahead of its time, at least twice as fuel efficient as the industry's first jets and as efficient as many of today's modern aircraft. The elegant Lockheed Constellation was born from requirements put forth in 1939 by Howard Hughes for Transcontinental and Western Air (TWA) Lines.

The first version, Model 49, flew in January 1943 with Eddie Allen (on loan from Boeing) at the controls. The war interrupted TWA's plans, and the airplane was pressed into military transport service as the C-69.

Building The Super Constellation, Lockheed Film - 1955 - Youtube

The "Connie" was improved after the war with greater fuel capacity and payload and more powerful engines. Lockheed introduced the further-enlarged 1049 Super Constellation in 1950, part of an epic battle with its Southern California rival, Douglas.

The Museum's Constellation was delivered to Trans-Canada Airlines in 1954 as a 1049C and was later converted to the 1049G standard. TCA's Connies were replaced by Douglas DC-8s by 1962. After a career flying passenger and later cargo with World Wide Airways, the aircraft retired from flying in 1965. It sat in derelict condition for many years in different locations in Quebec and Ontario, Canada

. It was partially restored and made into a museum during this period. Later, it was converted into a hotel cocktail lounge and lunch delicatessen at the Toronto airport during 1996-2002. However, during the meeting in 1939, the executives at Lockheed were only interested in securing an order from one man.

The man in question was American business magnate Howard Hughes. Having just bought a majority stake in Trans World Airlines (TWA), Hughes wanted the Constellation to be his secret weapon. By having a pressurized airliner that could fly non-stop from coast to coast, Hughes was confident of TWA dominating the marketplace.

When ordering the aircraft, Hughes made Lockheed agree that they would not sell the plane to any competing airline until TWA had received a minimum of 35 planes. The 1049G "Super G" was the most successful version of the Super Constellations and one of the last great piston-engine airliners.

For long range operations, the Super G could be fitted with extra wingtip tanks, increasing the fuel capacity by two-thirds more than the original Connie models. The first flight of the G-model Constellation was on December 7, 1954, and it was introduced to commercial service by Northwest Airlines on July 1, 1955. The Super G was a popular choice among the airlines, with 42 being flown by domestic carriers

and 59 by foreign airlines. However, soon after the plane's introduction, it became clear that jet airliners were the future. Growing up as a 'USAF BRAT' in the '60s & '70s afforded our family a great deal of travel around the world.

The 'SUPER CONNIE' holds a special place in my heart when @ age 5, we were about to REUNITE with 'Daddy' on Kadena AB, Okinawa after he flew ahead about a month to arrange for housing.

Lockheed Ec-121D Constellation > National Museum Of The United States Air  Force™ > Display

We departed from Travis AFB on a MATS C-121 & arrived ALL OF 2 DAYS LATER with refueling stops in Honolulu & on Wake Island. A grinning Dad was standing on the ramp @ the bottom of the stairs as we deplaned!

The customer's request had been ambitious. He hoped to hire Lockheed to design a revolutionary aircraft capable of comfortably shuttling 20 passengers and 6,000 pounds of cargo across the United States, offering commercial aviation's first coast-to-coast, non-stop service.

Layer upon layer of silt had buried the aircraft's undercarriage. It had to be dug out and new wheels brought in from the US for the aircraft to be rolled to firmer ground by the Qantas Engineering Aircraft Recovery Team.

This, however, all changed two years later, in 1939, when a man with bottomless pockets requested a meeting with Lockheed President Robert Gross and Chief Engineer Hall Hibbard. The man told the Lockheed executives that he wanted a fleet of planes that could fly non-stop across the United States.

At the time, Lockheed also wanted to build a large aircraft that would convince people to fly rather than take the train. In 1962 my Dad was Transferred to Japan and we flew from Travis AFB to Japan it took 36 hrs and we loved it I was in Jr High at the time.

The next time I flew in it was 1968 to Viet Nam. I was a navigator on the 121 in 1962-3, flying from Navy Moffet Field in Calif. to Travis where we picked up our passengers to the Far East, stopping for fuel at Hickam AFB, Wake, Guam, Midway.

In 1963 we converted to the C-130. In the C-121 we never flew above 12,000′. That was tough for us navs because we were sometimes in the clouds which made the sexton useless. No such problem in the C-130s–flew above the clouds mostly.

Jack Williams The C-121A was the military variation of the commercial Model 749 Constellation. Between 1948 and 1955 the USAF ordered 150 C-121As for use as cargo/passenger carriers, executive transports, and airborne early warning aircraft. As a troop carrier they could carry a maximum of 44 passengers.

Lockheed L-1049 Super Constellation - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History  - Aero Corner

While these are all significant improvements over the original Constellation, introducing air-conditioning to an aircraft was the most considerable progress. The maiden flight of the production L-1049 took place on July 14, 1951, entering service with Eastern Air Lines in December 1951 on flights between Miami and New York.

In 1953 Netherlands national flag carrier KLM put an L-1049C on its Amsterdam to New York route and later used an L-1049G for flights from Amsterdam to Tokyo and Sydney. Its area of ​​distinction, however, was clearly airborne command and control and early warning.

During the Vietnam War, Connies were flown in elliptical orbit near enemy territory to collect and transmit information on air activity. Constellations were also the first planes to carry rotating radomes, saucer-shaped domes used to protect radar antennas, a technology that is still in use with modern aircraft controlling the skies over the Middle East and with US Customs and Border Protection P-3s running drugs

interception missions in the Caribbean today. While only 13 Constellations were built during World War II—Lockheed would be asked, instead, to focus on the P-38—the Army, Air Force, and Navy had recognized the plane's versatility. By 1948, the Navy was calling in orders for Connies to act as long-range patrol aircraft, nicknamed Po-Boys from the PO-1 designation then in use.

In time, Constellations would be used for everything from rescue missions and VIP transports to airborne early warning missions and the mapping of the earth's magnetic field. It was then acquired by Northern Peninsula Fisheries. This firm planned to use the aircraft during the Alaskan fish-hauling season.

However, issues with its certification for civilian use meant it remained idle at Arlington Municipal Airport, in Washington state, until 1987. In 1939, the top brass of the Lockheed Corporation—president Robert Gross, chief engineer Hall Hibbard, and chief research engineer Kelly Johnson—scheduled a key meeting with a VIP, a man with deep pockets who had recently shown an interest in buying not just

one or a handful of new planes but a fleet of them. In 1973 it was flown to the Military Aircraft Storage and Disposition Center (MASDC) at Davis Monthan Air Force Base, Tucson, Arizona. But it wasn't until 1981 that the Department of Defense put it up for sale.

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Supercruise Aircraft

Supercruise Aircraft

Supercruise Aircraft - “Having another aviation brigade transition to the J-20 would suggest that … the PLAAF is satisfied with, and confident in, the capabilities of the J-20, and that more combat units are likely to receive the J-20 in the future,

” the paper's author Derek Solen said. Richard Aboulafia, vice president of analysis at the Teal Group, said the F-22 is an “amazing” air vehicle, but the F-35 joint strike fighter — although stealthy — isn't top notch when it comes to speed, acceleration,

Supercruise Aircraft

These Are The 11 Most Game-Changing Aircraft Of The 21St Century |  Businessinsider India

altitude and “time to climb.” “It's not only what we build, it's how we build it so we can stay ahead of the threat,” Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles “CQ” Brown Jr. said recently at the McAleese & Associates annual defense programs conference.

Ramjets And Scramjets[]

“That to me is an important aspect, because it is the air superiority fighter of the future.” In comparison, the U.S. Air Force has just over 180 F-22s in its inventory, but the platform is no longer in production.

The service has more than 280 F-35As and is procuring dozens more each year. The Marine Corps and Navy are also buying variants of the aircraft. It also features forward canards which are suboptimal from a stealth perspective, and the planes have been powered by Russian AL-31 series engines without low-observability serrated nozzles.

The engines leave the aircraft “somewhat underpowered” and unable to supercruise, and also increase their radar cross section, it noted. “The J-20, in my estimation, would be dead long before it had the ability to maneuver against either the F-22 or the F-35,” he said.

“It's got enough spikes on it to where the radar returns on it are likely to be much more significant, which means that the F-22 and the F-35 can see it a lot farther away.” The platform is the largest low-observability fighter currently in production, the RUSI report noted.

Aircraft Designed To Cruise On Afterburner[]

“The downside is a heavier, less agile aircraft which will be more expensive to build and operate. It also cannot compete with the extreme performance or agility of the F-22” Raptor built by Lockheed Martin. The YF-23—contrary to popular belief—did not have an overall top speed that was any faster than the YF-22.

Both jets were limited to an aerodynamic max speed of about Mach 2.2 as a result of their fixed-ramp external compression inlets. In fact, operational F-22 Raptors are “red lined” at exactly Mach 2.0 with an artificial placard because the aircraft’s stealth coating are prone to delamination if the jet went any faster—particularly around the canopy.

Sukhoi Su-57 - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia

The Northrop design also had better range compared to the YF-22, and was arguably a stealthier design. Russia is working on an all new Al41 engine with a complete redesign underway to add supercruise ability to the PAK FA and the Indo-Russian Sukhoi/HAL FGFA.

This is yet to bear fruit, but the stop-gap 117S engine, produced by this program, seems to achieve the supercruise goal already.[citation needed] It was recently announced[9] that during testing of a Su-35BM fighter equipped with

Military Use[]

these engines it was traveling in the ~M1.1–1.2 airspeed range at nominal power and was still accelerating, thus suggesting that the supercruise was possible at even higher speed. Further testing will show the extent of this possibility.[citation needed]

The Pentagon is moving to give the F-35 Block 4 capabilities which officials say are needed for the jet to be effective in future high-end battles against advanced adversaries. The ongoing Technology Refresh 3 effort will enable about 70 upgrades, which includes 14 new weapons and a number of software-enabled systems, according to program executive officer Lt. Gen.

Eric Fick. The removal of canards combined with changes to the wing shape could improve the stealth characteristics of the aircraft. Additionally, China is prioritizing the development of sensors and networks to improve its planes’ passive-sensor tactics and “cooperative engagement” capabilities, to help the PLAAF compete head-to-head against U.S. forces, the study said.

Due to its combination of decades long scheduled service and length of time spent at supersonic speeds, the main user of supercruise has been Concorde, with more time spent in supersonic, largely supercruise flight, than all of the other aircraft put together.[1]

The key challenge in attaining supercruise is not simply a high thrust to weight ratio but a radical redesign of the engine because the air entering a turbojet engine must always travel at subsonic speeds, regardless of aircraft speed.

Otherwise compressibility waves (or shock waves) will create uncontrollable vibrations among the compressor vanes. Engine inlet design therefore can effectively limit the speed of the aircraft, regardless of thrust. The SR-71 Blackbird's distinctive engine inlet spikes and a system of bleed doors are designed to funnel air around the J58 engines for that very reason.

Russia Tests Sixth-Generation Fighter Elements On Fifth-Generation Jet -  Military & Defense - Tass

On the surface, the decision to go ahead with the YF-22 might seem like a vote in favor of a more conservative design since both jets grossly more than exceeded the Air Force's requirements. But there was much more to the Air Force's decision than aircraft performance.

Three major factors played in Lockheed's favor. The SU-57 is a single-seat fifth-generation jet fighter with an external length of 20.1 meters, an external height of 3.8 meters, and a fuselage diameter of 1.9 meters. It has a tail height of 5.45 meters and a wheelbase of 7 meters.

The wingspan is 14.1 meters and the wing area is 78.8 square meters. It has an empty weight of 18,000 kg, a gross weight of 25,000 kg on a typical mission, and 29,270 kg on full load.

It has a maximum takeoff weight of 35,000 kg and an internal fuel capacity of 10,300 kg. The F-22 has demonstrated supercruise speeds of at least Mach 1.7, a difference of 320 knots (593 km/h) indicated airspeed (KIAS) at 40,000 ft (12,000 m).[6]

Supercruise in militarily significant parlance is meant to imply a significant increase in effective combat speed with a full weapons load over existing types. Virtually all current and past jet fighters, prior to the F-22, cruise at approximately Mach 0.8–0.9 with a militarily significant weapons load.

The F-22 represents a significant advance in cruise speed over previous types (for performance of current USAF types, see Air Force Magazine, May 2006, "Gallery of USAF Weapons," pp. 147–155[7]). Ramjet and scramjet powered aircraft have to date been mostly experimental (with exceptions such as the SR-71 and its turbojet/ramjet hybrid J58 engines, as noted above; and there have been numerous ramjet missiles), but these engines operate most efficiently at supersonic

speeds and therefore would be theoretically ideal for an aircraft intended to spend long periods in supersonic flight. Due to the exotic nature of the engines, whether this would be considered "supercruise" is largely semantic. The Pratt & Whitney J58 engines of the Lockheed A-12 and SR-71 Blackbird were designed for sustained and efficient operation at supersonic speeds using afterburners with air that was diverted past the turbojet core of the engine.

This gave a good compression ratio and higher efficiency simply due to the ram effect at the high operating speed of the aircraft. The afterburners acted essentially as ramjets and these types of engines achieve peak efficiency at around Mach 3.

F-22 Raptor | Lockheed Martin

Jet engines use afterburners to reach supersonic speeds. The afterburner is an attachment on the end of a jet engine that injects fuel into the exhaust to burn the oxygen left in the exhaust stream. The afterburner is an easy way to add power for short bursts, such as take-off or in a dog fight.

But the afterburner consumes a lot of fuel. Fighter jets use the afterburner to fly faster than the speed of sound for long periods, but it decreases the range they can fly without refueling. “The PLAAF is preparing upgrades for the J-20, which may include increasing the number of [air-to-air missiles] the fighter can carry in its low-observable configuration, installing thrust-vectoring engine nozzles, and adding supercruise capability by

installing higher-thrust indigenous WS-15 engines,” the DIA report said. The first turbine-powered aircraft to exceed Mach 1 in level flight without afterburners was the P.1 prototype of the English Electric Lightning, on August 11, 1954. However, this early demonstration of supercruise was extremely limited;

the Lightning could supercruise at approximately Mach 1.22[3] while later versions were able to achieve much higher speeds. Once the YF-22 was officially selected for the ATF program, it was designated the F-22 Raptor. Pratt & Whitney won the engine contest with its F119—which while not as powerful, was far more reliable than General Electric's novel variable-cycle YF120.

Ultimately, Lockheed Martin did deliver a world beating air superiority fighter that offers performance that is unmatched by anything else fly. However, one can still wonder, what would an operational F-23 have looked like? “I don't recall Barry Watts, although the name has a familiar ring.

He was right about supercruising for the whole sortie, as that’s the definition (Ps=0), but he was wrong about the number,” Jim Sandberg, test pilot of the YF-120 powered YF-23 told me a few years ago.

“The one you quoted was just a bit shy for our PAV-1 that was equipped with the relatively underpowered YF-119 engines developed by P&W. ‘My’ airplane, PAV-2, equipped with the more powerful YF-120 engines developed by GE supercruised quite a bit faster—‘very fast’, as the USAF censors advised us to say.”

The aircraft has a maximum speed of 1,145 knots at altitude and 923 knots supercruise at altitude. It has a subsonic range of 1,900 nautical miles and a supersonic range of 810 nautical miles. It can fly up to 66,000 feet and can climb at a rate of 64,000 feet per minute.

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The SU-57 is armed with a single 30 mm Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-1 autocannon, twelve hardpoints, and several missiles such as air-to-air missiles, air-to-surface-missiles, anti-ship missiles, and anti-radiation missiles. It is also equipped with state-of-the-art avionics including the Sh-121 multifunctional integrated radio electronic system (MIRES) with Byelka radar that features an active electronically scanned array radar and has the ability to track sixty targets and shoot sixteen simultaneously.

The aircraft also features the 101KS Atoll electro-optical targeting system for tracking and locating targets in aerial warfare. In a somewhat similar vein, the XB-70A Valkyrie made use of specially designed turbojets (six General Electric YJ-93 engines) to sustain speeds in excess of Mach 3. Unlike the J58 engines powering the SR-71, the YJ-93 engines

of the XB-70A did not require the use of special fuel, and did not radically modify the intake/exhaust geometry in order to achieve Mach 3 flight. The YJ-93 engines did operate in afterburner at Mach 3;

however, the engines were specifically designed to be very efficient in afterburner, and the XB-70A AV-2 prototype sustained speeds in excess of Mach 3 for 32 minutes on one flight. Furthermore, the type was designed to operate at such speeds for periods of hours over intercontinental ranges.[10]

The initial production engines are two Saturn AL-41F1 two-shaft afterburning turbofans with thrust vectoring. It has four fans and nine HP compressor stages, annular combustors, and two single-stage turbines. The engine produces a 20,900 lbf dry thrust each and 33,100 lbf afterburning thrust.

Two Izdeliye 30 turbofan engines with thrust vectoring are also in development rated at 24,300 lbf dry thrust and 39,700 lbf with afterburner. Although the program is shrouded in secrecy, in September service leaders revealed that a prototype had already flown.

The Air Force and its industry partners are leveraging digital engineering to speed development and facilitate future capability upgrades, officials say. The issue with the J-20 is is that it does not have a gun.The F-35 is a joke.I don't understand why the US didn't continue with the F-22 program and why it didn't try

to make carrier and hover versions of it instead of setting off on the F-35 project, which has been a huge waste of money (over a trillion dollars). The final production version of the F-22 Raptor also cruises at speeds greater than Mach 1.8 without afterburner—but its endurance is much more limited.

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In fact operational Raptor pilots tell me that it's not very useful during real world missions. “Supercruise is impressive on paper but not very practical in a fighter with limited fuel,” a senior Air Force F-22 pilot said.

“I would much rather have an aircraft that accelerates and gains energy back quickly than one that supercruises.” “Clearly the F-22 is the best air-to-ground [fighter] airplane in the world, in my opinion, except for the F-35.

And the F-35 is the best air superiority airplane in the world except for the F-22,” he said during a recent podcast hosted by Francis Rose. The F-22 Raptor's supercruise capabilities are touted, with or without justification, as a major performance advantage over other fighters.

Even so, supercruising uses much more fuel to travel the same distance than at subsonic speeds: The Air Force Association estimates that use of supercruise for a 100-nautical-mile (190 km) dash as part of a mission would cut the F-22's

combat radius from about 600 to about 450 nautical miles (830 km). However, this is still unconfirmed as the altitude and flight profile are classified (as are most of the F-22's capabilities). “The pace of iterative improvement visible in PLAAF equipment — from aircraft and weapons systems to increasingly realistic training and exercises — is striking,” the report said.

“If China can continue the level of investment, production and iteration demonstrated over the last decade, then existing capability gaps will close significantly, and more areas of outright Chinese advantage will emerge during the 2020s.” The F/A-22 is the first American fighter aircraft with the ability to supercruise, or fly at supersonic speeds without using the afterburner.

In early flight tests, it sustained speeds of Mach 1.5 -- that's one and a half times the speed of sound -- without using the afterburner. It can reach Mach 1.8 using the afterburner. “The design incorporates many features which have been copied from the F-22 and F-35, including nose cone shaping, the electro-optical targeting system (EOTS) under the nose, and the side-mounted [diverterless supersonic inlet] intakes,

” the RUSI report said. The Sukhoi Su-57 Felon was designed by Alexander Davidenko as a stealth multi-role fifth-generation jet fighter powered by twin engines. Aircraft development started in 2002 as air superiority and attack fighter.

It first flew in January 2010 and is expected to be introduced in 2020. The aircraft is in serial production and was intended to replace the MiG-29 and Su-27 fighters. The primary users of the Felon are the Russian Air Force and the Russian Navy.

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